Easy to install & simple to use, KEYSHIELD deactivates your key fob signal when not in use, preventing signal interception & cloning, without any impact to functionality or appearance.

Fit & Forget

KEYSHIELD security sleeve wraps around your existing key fob battery, with no impact to functionality or apperance.

Disabled By Inactivity

When inactive, KEYSHIELD automatically disables your key fob battery, preventing any signal from being emitted.

Easy To Reactivate

Simply applying motion to your key fob will enable KEYSHIELD to reactive battery power & signal, allowing use as normal.

Fit & Forget

KEYSHIELD security sleeve wraps around your existing key fob battery, with no impact to functionality or apperance.

Disabled By Inactivity

When inactive, KEYSHIELD automatically disables your key fob battery, preventing any signal from being emitted.

Easy To Reactivate

Simply applying motion to your key fob will enable KEYSHIELD to reactive battery power & signal, allowing use as normal.